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Autor:Quispe Vilca, Roberto Basilio; Cabrera Meléndez, Jorge Luis; Chevarría Cacallaca, Miryan.
Título:Uso de plantas medicinales en la atención primaria de la salud familiar Aimara, comunidad de Checca, Puno^ies / Use of medicinal plants in primary care Aimara family health, community Checca, Puno
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;20(7/8):184-188, jul.-ago. 2014. ^bilus, ^bgraf.
Resumen:Con el objetivo de conocer las prácticas tradicionales en la salud del pueblo aimara de Puno, se realizó una descripción del uso de las plantas medicinales en el cuidado de la salud familiar en la comunidad de Checca – distrito de Ilave. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa en el marco del diálogo Intercultural de salud, denominada en idioma aimara aruskipaña. Las plantas medicinales constituyen un elemento primordial utilizado en el cuidado de la salud y los padecimentos; son accesibles y su utilización es común. El conocimiento tradicional aún no es tomado en cuenta de forma oficial por el personal de salud, sobre todo en los programas de prevención y cuidado primario familiar y desde el abordaje intercultural. El pueblo aimara mantiene un conocimiento amplio sobre el uso de las plantas medicinales, se describe 28 plantas usadas, incluso se nombran respuesta a enfermedades como cáncer y diabetes. Es evidente la dinámica del conocimiento aimara en la búsqueda de nuevas respuesta a las enfermedades y la salud. (AU)^ies.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Atención Primaria de Salud
Servicios de Salud del Indígena
Medicina Tradicional
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Arroyo Hernández, Carlos Hugo.
Título:Plantas medicinales: importancia de vincular la medicina tradicional con la científica^ies / Medicinal plants: importance of linking traditional medicine with the scientific
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;20(7/8):137-137, jul.-ago. 2014. .
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Medicina Tradicional
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Álvarez Alonso, José.
Título:El árbol de la calentura^ies / The fever tree
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;19(9/10):214-215, sept.-oct. 2013. ^bilus.
Plantas Medicinales
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Cabrera Melendez, Jorge Luis.
Título:Herbario de plantas medicinales CENSI-INS^ies / Herbal medicinal plants CENSI-INS
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;19(7/8):183-184, jul.-ago. 2013. ^bilus, ^bgraf.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Chuspe Zans, María Elena.
Título:Las plantas medicinales y el proceso salud – enfermedad en dos comunidades shipibo conibo Pucallpa – Perú^ies / Medicinal plants and the health - disease in two shipibo conibo communities Pucallpa - Peru
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;18(9/10):158-162, sept.-oct. 2012. ^bilus, ^btab.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Ecosistema Tropical
Mediana Edad
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Salaverry García, Oswaldo Eduardo.
Título:Plantas medicinales y medicina moderna^ies / Medicinal plants and modern medicine
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;18(9/10):155-157, sept.-oct. 2012. .
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Salaverry García, Oswaldo Eduardo.
Título:Las plantas medicinales y el desarrollo nacional^ies / Medicinal plants and national development
Fuente:Bol. Inst. Nac. Salud;18(9/10):149-149, sept.-oct. 2012. .
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Agricultura Sostenible
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Aranda Ventura, José Alberto; Villacrés Vallejo, Jorge Ysaac; Mego Bardales, Rosario Sandra; Delgado Wong, Henry Vladimir.
Título:Efecto de los extractos de Geranium ayavacense W. (Pasuchaca) sobre la glicemia en ratas con diabetes mellitus experimental^ies / Effect of extracts of Geranium ayavacense W. (Pasuchaca) on glycemia on rats with experimental diabetes mellitus
Fuente:Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica;31(2):261-266, abr.- jun. 2014. ^btab.
Resumen:Objetivos. Determinar si el extracto acuoso liofilizado de Geranium ayavacense (Pasuchaca) tiene algún efecto sobre la glicemia en ratas con diabetes mellitus experimental. Materiales y métodos. La diabetes experimental fue inducida con aloxano. Las ratas cumplieron los criterios: glicemia > 200 mg/dL posadministración de aloxano y un peso > 200 g. Las ratas con diabetes experimental fueron distribuidas en seis grupos de ocho ratas cada uno. El grupo I recibió 3 mL de agua destilada (control); el grupo II recibió Geranium ayavacense 12,7 mg/kg; el grupo III recibió Geranium ayavacense 100 mg/kg; el grupo IV recibió Geranium ayavacense 200 mg/kg; el grupo V recibió Geranium ayavacense 300 mg/kg; el grupo VI recibió Geranium ayavacense 500 mg/kg. Se determinó la glicemia basal. Las evaluaciones de la glicemia se realizaron a la 1.a, 3.a, 6.a, 12.a y 24a hora después de administrar las diferentes intervenciones. Resultados. Los grupos de Geranium ayavacense de 300 y 500 mg/kg disminuyeron significativamente (p<0,01) la glicemia en todas las horas evaluadas después de la administración de los extractos, cuando se compara con el grupo control. El grupo de Geranium ayavacense de 300 mg/kg decreció su glucosa sanguínea en 8,14; 10,68; 14,87; 19.36 y 23,7% a la 1.a, 3.a, 6.a, 12.a y 24.a hora respectivamente. Conclusiones. En condiciones experimentales, el extracto acuoso de Geranium ayavacense tiene efecto hipoglicemiante en ratas. (AU)^iesObjectives. To determine if the lyophilized aqueous extract of Geranium ayavacense (Pasuchaca) has any effect on glycemia in rats with experimental diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods. Experimental diabetes was induced with alloxan. Rats included in the study met the following criteria: glycemia greater than 200 mg/dL post administration of alloxan, and with a weight greater than 200 g. Rats with experimental diabetes were divided into six groups of eight rats each. Group I received 3 mL of distilled water (control); group II received Geranium ayavacense 12.7 mg/kg; group III received Geranium ayavacense 100 mg/kg; group IV received Geranium ayavacense 200 mg/kg; group V received Geranium ayavacense 300 mg/kg; group VI received Geranium ayavacense 500 mg/kg. Basal glycemia was determined. Glycemia evaluations were performed at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th and 24th hour after administrating the different interventions. Results. Geranium ayavacense groups of 300 and 500 mg/kg decreased glycemia significantly (p <0.01) in every hour assessed after administration of the extract, when compared with the control group. Geranium ayavacense group of 300 mg/kg decreased their blood glucose 8.14; 10.68; 14.87; 19.36 and 23.7% in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th and 24th hour respectively. Conclusions. Under experimental conditions, the aqueous extract of Geranium ayavacense has hypoglycemic effects in rats. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Diabetes Mellitus Experimental
Plantas Medicinales
Glucosa de la Sangre
Epidemiología Experimental
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Salaverry García, Oswaldo Eduardo; Cabrera Melendez, Jorge Luis.
Título:Florística de algunas plantas medicinales^ies / Floristics of some medicine plants
Fuente:Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica;31(1):165-168, ene.- mar. 2014. ^bilus.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Arroyo Acevedo, Jorge Luis; Bonilla Rivera, Pablo Enrique; Moreno Exebio, Luis Enrique; Ronceros Medrano, Sergio Gerardo; Tomás Chota, Gloria Eva; Huamán Malla, Juana María; Raez Gonzalez, José Ernesto; Quino Florentini, Mariano Gastón; Rodriguez Calzado, Edgar Javier.
Título:Efecto gastroprotector y antisecretor de un fitofármaco de hojas de matico (Piper aduncum)^ies / Gastroprotective and antisecretory effect of a phytochemical made from matico leaves (Piper aduncum)
Fuente:Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica;30(4):608-615, oct.- dic. 2013. ^bilus, ^btab.
Resumen:Objetivos. Determinar el efecto gastroprotector y antisecretor del extracto etanólico de las hojas de matico (Piper aduncum) en modelos animales. Materiales y métodos. Para la evaluación del efecto gastroprotector se utilizó 220 ratones de la cepa Balb C57, los cuales fueron aleatorizados en 22 grupos de diez animales, a los cuales se les indujo la formación de úlceras gástricas con indometacina, la gastroprotección se determinó a través de tres aspectos: inflamación, número de bandas hemorrágicas y número de úlceras. Para evaluar el efecto antisecretor se utilizó 64 ratas albinas machos Holtzman, los cuales fueron aleatorizados en ocho grupos de ocho animales, un control y siete grupos de tratamiento con un nivel de dosis de los extractos y dos niveles de dosis en los fitofármacos; la antisecreción se realizó con el ensayo de ligazón pilórica. Resultados. Para la gastroprotección, los extractos de diclorometano, cloroformo, hexano y metanol, lograron una disminución de la inflamación de más del 66% (p menor que 0,05); el extracto etanólico presenta una actividad de 100% para disminuir el número de bandas hemorrágicas (p menor que 0,05); el extracto clorofórmico presenta una actividad antiulcerosa de 75% (p menor que 0,05). Respecto a la antisecreción, el fitofármaco en cápsulas conteniendo el extracto etanólico logró un 72% de reducción del volumen de la secreción gástrica (p menor que 0,01) y un incremento del pH en 104,3% (p menor que 0,01). Conclusiones. En condiciones experimentales los extractos etanólico, sus fracciones y su fitofármaco son gastroprotectores en ratones y antisecretores en ratas. (AU)^iesObjectives. To determine the gastroprotective and antisecretory effect of ethanol extract from matico leaves (Piper aduncum) in animal models. Materials and methods. To evaluate the gastroprotective effect, 220 mice of the Balb C57 strain were used. They were randomized in 22 groups of ten animals each, in which the formation of gastric ulcers was induced with indomethacin. Gastroprotection was determined by evaluating three aspects: inflammation, number of hemorrhagic shocks and number of ulcers. To evaluate the antisecretory effect, 64 white male Holtzman rats were used, which were randomized in eight groups of eight animals, one control and seven groups of treatment with one extract dose level and two phytochemical dose levels. Antisecretion was obtained through the pylorus ligation. Results. Regarding gastroprotection, dichloromethane, chloroform, hexane and methanol extracts decreased inflammation to over 66% (p less than 0,05). The ethanolic extract shows 100% activity in reducing the number of hemorrhagic bands (p less than 0,05). The chloroform extract shows antiulcer activity at 75% (p less than 0,05). In terms of antisecretion, the phytochemical in capsules containing the ethanolic extract achieved 72% reduction of the gastric secretion volume (p less than 0,01) and 104,3% (p less than 0,01) PH increase. Conclusions. In experimental conditions, ethanolic extracts, their fractions and phytochemicals have a gastroprotective effect in mice and antisecretory effect in rats. (AU)^ien.
Plantas Medicinales
Extractos Vegetales
Epidemiología Experimental
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Oblitas Zanabria, Gladys Susana; Hernández Córdova, Jorge Gustavo; Chiclla, Analí; Antich Barrientos, María Khaterine; Ccorihuamán Cusitito, Jenifer Lucero; Romaní Romaní, Franco.
Título:Empleo de plantas medicinales en usuarios de dos hospitales referenciales del Cusco, Perú^ies / Use of medicinal plants among people attending two reference hospitals in Cusco, Peru
Fuente:Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica;30(1):64-68, ene.- mar. 2013. ^btab.
Resumen:Con el fin de determinar la frecuencia de empleo de plantas medicinales y describir las características de su uso en pacientes de dos hospitales referenciales de la ciudad de Cusco, se realizó un estudio transversal entre agosto y septiembre de 2011. Para el recojo de datos se construyó un instrumento, validado por juicio de expertos. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 250 personas seleccionadas no probabilísticamente. El 83,2 y 75,3% informaron haber empleado plantas medicinales alguna vez en su vida y en el último mes, respectivamente; además, el 85,7 señaló que desearía que su médico le recete plantas medicinales. Sus usos más frecuentes son para problemas digestivos (62,4%); urinarios(42,4%), y respiratorios (40,4%). Se concluye que el empleo de plantas medicinales se encuentra bastante difundido entre los usuarios de dos hospitales referenciales de la ciudad de Cusco. Los patrones de empleo revelan que los pacientes desean que los médicos del sistema de salud prescriban plantas medicinales en su acto médico. (AU)^iesIn order to determine the frequency and characteristics of the use of medicinal plants in patients from two third-level hospitals in the city of Cusco, a cross-sectional study was conducted between August and September 2011. For data collection, an instrument was built and validated through experts’ judgment. The sample included 250 people selected in a non-probabilistic way. 83.2 and 75.3% informed having had used medicinal plants sometime during their lives and in the last month, respectively; additionally, 85.7 indicated that they wished their doctor would have prescribed them medicinal plants. Their most frequent uses include digestive problems (62.4%) as well as urinary (42.4%) and respiratory problems (40.4%). We conclude that the use of medicinal plants is widely spread among users of two hospitals in the city of Cusco. Utilization patterns show that patients wished the physicians of the health system prescribed medicinal plants in their consults. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Medicina Tradicional
Estudios Transversales
Mediana Edad
Medio Electrónico: / es

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Autor:Gasco, M; Aguilar, J; Gonzales, G. F
Título:Effect of chronic treatment with three varieties of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on reproductive parameters and DNA quantification in adult male rats^ien ..-
Fuente:Oxford; Wiley-Blackwell; 2007. 151-8 p. ^btab, ^bgraf.
Resumen:The aim of this study was to evaluate the chronic effect of different varieties of Lepidium meyenii (Red Maca, Yellow Maca and Black Maca). Male rats were treated by gavage with aqueous extract of each variety of maca equivalent to 1 g hypocotyl kg(-1) body weight (BW) for 84 days. At the end of the treatment, daily sperm production (DSP), epididymal sperm count (ESC) and sperm count in vas deferens (SCVD) were assessed. In addition, testis DNA quantification was also determined. Any toxic effect was assessed in liver and spleen by histological studies. The results indicate that Yellow Maca and Black Maca improved ESC and that three varieties of maca increased the SCVD without affecting DSP. Moreover, testis DNA levels were not affected by treatment with any of the three varieties of maca. Histological picture of the liver in animals treated with the three varieties of maca was similar to that observed in controls. In conclusion, Yellow and Black Maca increased epididymal sperm count after 84 days of treatment without affecting DSP. Maca seems to act as a modulator of sperm count at the reproductive tract level. (AU)^ien.
Plantas Medicinales

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Autor:Gonzales-Castañeda, C; Gonzales, G. F
Título:Hypocotyls of Lepidium meyenii (maca), a plant of the Peruvian highlands, prevent ultraviolet A-, B-, and C-induced skin damage in rats^ien ..-
Fuente:Copenhagen; Blackwell Munksgaard; 2008. 24-31 p. ^bgraf, ^btab.
Resumen:BACKGROUND: Lepidium meyenii (maca) is a plant that grows exclusively in the Peruvian Central Andes, where ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is predominant. Objective: Determine if two extracts of maca can provide dermal protection against UVR.METHODS: We have administered two maca extracts (0.13 mg/ml), one obtained after boiling and the other without boiling, on the dorsal surface of male Holtzman rats exposed to UVC radiation once a week during 3 consecutive weeks. A dose-response effect of an aqueous extract of maca after a boiling process under exposure of rats to UVA, UVB, or UVC was also studied. A commercial sunscreen was used as a positive control.RESULTS: UVR caused significant increase in skin epidermal thickness. The epidermal height in animals treated with maca was similar to those who did not receive UVR. The aqueous extract of maca after a boiling process had better effect than maca extract without a boiling process. A dose-response effect was observed with increasing doses of aqueous extract of maca after a boiling process. Maca extract had benzyl glucosinolates and polyphenols.CONCLUSIONS: Maca extracts protect the skin of rats against UV irradiations and can be suggested as an alternative means of solar protection. (AU)^ien.
Plantas Medicinales
Terapia Ultravioleta

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Autor:Carbone, V; Montoro, P; De Tommasi, N; Pizza, C
Título:Analysis of flavonoids from Cyclanthera pedata fruits by liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry^ien ..-
Fuente:London; Elsevier Science; 2002. 295-304 p. ^btab, ^bgraf.
Resumen:A liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) based method was developed for the characterization of fruits of Cyclanthera pedata Scrabs (Caigua), a Peruvian food and medicinal plant. This method is based on the separation of flavonoid glycosides present in the methanolic extracts from C. pedata fruits using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) followed by detection with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS). Chromatographic separation of the analytes of interest was achieved on a Symmetry C-18 column with detection in positive ion mode. Calibration graphs were obtained by determining the area ratio between external standard of each major compound and the internal standard naringine. Due to the sensitivity and the repeatability of the assay, this method is suitable for industrial quality control of raw materials and final products. (AU)^ien.
Plantas Medicinales

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Autor:Aybar, M. J; Sánchez Riera, A. N; Grau, A; Sánchez, S. S
Título:Hypoglycemic effect of the water extract of Smallantus sonchifolius (yacon) leaves in normal and diabetic rats^ien ..-
Fuente:Lausanne; Elsevier Sequoia; 2001. 125-132 p. ^bgraf, ^btab.
Resumen:The hypoglycemic effect of the water extract of the leaves of Smallantus sonchifolius (yacon) was examined in normal, transiently hyperglycemic and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Ten-percent yacon decoction produced a significant decrease in plasma glucose levels in normal rats when administered by intraperitoneal injection or gastric tube. In a glucose tolerance test, a single administration of 10% yacon decoction lowered the plasma glucose levels in normal rats. In contrast, a single oral or intraperitoneal administration of yacon decoction produced no effect on the plasma glucose levels of STZ-induced diabetic rats. However, the administration of 2 porciento yacon tea ad libitum instead of water for 30 days produced a significant hypoglycemic effect on STZ-induced diabetic rats. After 30 days of tea administration, diabetic rats showed improved body (plasma glucose, plasma insulin levels, body weight) and renal parameters (kidney weight, kidney to body weight ratio, creatinine clearance, urinary albumin excretion) in comparison with the diabetic controls. Our results suggest that yacon water extract produces an increase in plasma insulin concentration. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Glucosa de la Sangre

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Autor:Valentová, K; Moncion, A; De Waziers, I; Ulrichová, J
Título:The effect of Smallanthus sonchifolius leaf extracts on rat hepatic metabolism^ien ..-
Fuente:Netherlands; Princeton Scientific Publishers; 2004. 109-120 p. ^bgraf.
Resumen:Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon), originating from South America, has become popular in Japan and in New Zealand for its tubers which contain beta-1,2-oligofructans as the main saccharides. The plant is also successfully cultivated in Central Europe in the Czech Republic in particular. Its aerial part is used in Japan and in Brazil as a component in medicinal teas; while aqueous leaf extracts have been studied for their hypoglycemic activity in normal and diabetic rats. We have already demonstrated the high content of phenolic compounds in yacon leaf extracts and their in vitro antioxidant activity. In this paper, we present the effects of two organic fractions and two aqueous extracts from the leaves of S. sonchifolius on rat hepatocyte viability, on oxidative damage induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BH) and allyl alcohol (AA), and on glucose metabolism and their insulin-like effect on the expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) mRNA. All the extracts tested exhibited strong protective effect against oxidative damage to rat hepatocyte primary cultures in concentrations ranging from 1 to 1000 microg/ml, reduced hepatic glucose production via gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis at 1000 microg/ml. Moreover, the effects of the organic fractions (200 and 250 microg/ml) and to a lesser extent, the tea infusion (500 microg/ml) on rat CYP2B and CYP2E mRNA expression, were comparable to those observed with insulin. The combination of radical scavenging, cytoprotective and anti-hyperglycemic activity predetermine S. sonchifolius leaves for use in prevention and treatment of chronic diseases involving oxidative stress, particularly diabetes. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales

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Autor:Valentová, K; Sersen, F; Ulrichová, J
Título:Radical scavenging and anti-lipoperoxidative activities of Smallanthus sonchifolius leaf extracts^ien ..-
Fuente:Washington; American Chemical Society; 2005. 5577-5582 p. ^btab, ^bgraf.
Resumen:Radical scavenging and anti-lipoperoxidative effects of two organic fractions and two aqueous extracts from the leaves of a neglected Andean crop-yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius Poepp. & Endl., Asteraceae) were determined using various in vitro models. The extracts' total phenolic content was 10.7-24.6 percent. They exhibited DPPH (IC50 16.14-33.39 microg/mL) and HO scavenging activities (4.49-6.51 mg/mL). The extracts did not scavenge phenylglyoxylic ketyl radicals, but they retarded their formation. In the xanthine/xanthine oxidase superoxide radical generating system, the extracts' activities were 26.10-37.67 superoxide dismutase equivalents/mg. As one of the extracts displayed xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity, the effect of the extracts on a nonenzymatically generated superoxide was determined (IC50 7.36-21.01 microg/mL). The extracts inhibited t-butyl hydroperoxide-induced lipoperoxidation of microsomal and mitochondrial membranes (IC50 22.15-465.3 microg/mL). These results make yacon leaves a good candidate for use as a food supplement in the prevention of chronic diseases involving oxidative stress. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales
Compuestos Fenólicos
Peroxidación de Lípido

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Autor:Chavez, H; Callo, N; Estevez-Braun, A; Ravelo, A. G; Gonzalez AG
Título:Sesquiterpene polyol esters from the leaves of maytenus macrocarpa^ien ..-
Fuente:Cincinnati; American Society of Pharmacognosy; 1999. 1576-1577 p. ^bgraf.
Resumen:The aerial parts of Maytenus macrocarpa yielded three new beta-dihydroagarofuran sesquiterpene polyol esters. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses including 2D NMR techniques as 6beta,8beta,15-triacetoxy-1alpha, 9alpha-dibenzoyloxy-4beta-hydroxy-beta-dihydroagarofuran (1); 1alpha, 6beta,8beta, 15-tetraacetoxy-9alpha-benzoyloxy-4beta-hydroxy-beta-dihydroagarofura n (2) and (1S,4S,6R,7R,8R,9R)-1,6,15-triacetoxy-8, 9-dibenzoyloxy-4-hydroxy-beta-dihydroagarofuran (3). Compounds 1 and 2 showed marginal antitumor activity against four cell lines. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales

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Autor:Chávez, H; Rodríguez, G; Estévez-Braun, A; Ravelo, A. G; Estévez-Reyes, R; González, A. G; Fdez-Puente, J. L; García-Grávalos, D
Título:Macrocarpins A-D, new cytotoxic nor-triterpenes from Maytenus macrocarpa^ien ..-
Fuente:Oxford; Elsevier Science; 2000. 759-762 p. ^btab, ^bgraf.
Resumen:Macrocarpins A (1), B (2), C (3) and D (4), four new nor-triterpenes, have been isolated from the roots of Maytenus macrocarpa. The structures were established by spectroscopic examinations. Natural compounds 1, 2, 4 and the acetyl derivative 1a are cytotoxic against four tumoral cell lines with IC50 values ranging between 0.4 and 5.2 microM. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales

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Autor:Valentova, K; Cvak, L; Muck, A; Ulrichova, J; Simanek, V
Título:Antioxidant activity of extracts from the leaves of Smallanthus sonchifolius^ien ..-
Fuente:Darmstadt; Springerlink; 2003. 61-66 p. ^btab, ^bgraf.
Resumen:BACKGROUND & AIMS: Yacon ( Smallanthus sonchifolius, Asteraceae) is a native Andean plant, cultivated for its tubers throughout South America. The leaves are used in folk medicine as a medicinal tea for hypoglycemia. This paper describes the antioxidant activity of various extracts from S. sonchifolius leaves for their content of phenolic components. METHODS: The dried leaves were extracted in several ways. Two fractions were selected for their high content of phenolic compounds and analyzed by RP-HPLC. The antioxidant activity of these fractions was tested in 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and xanthine/XOD superoxide radical scavenging assays, as inhibition of lipoperoxidation of subcellular membranes and as protective activity against oxidative injury of rat hepatocytes in primary cultures. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The presence of protocatechuic (2.5 and 0.12 mg/g), chlorogenic (9.9 and 1.7 mg/g), caffeic (14.7 and 0.09 mg/g) and ferulic (traces) acids were determined in the two fractions. Both fractions showed potent antioxidant activity in DPPH (IC(50) = 16.1 +/- 3.4 and 24.3 +/- 2.7 mg/ml) and xanthine/XOD superoxide radical scavenging (42.0 +/- 20.3 and 34.3 +/- 11.4 SOD equivalents (U/mg)) tests, they inhibited the lipoperoxidation of rat liver subcellular membranes and they protected rat hepatocytes against oxidative injury. Our results may predetermine the use of S. sonchifolius leaves in human diet as a potential remedy in the prevention of chronic diseases caused by radicals, e. g., arteriosclerosis. (AU)^ien.
Descriptores:Plantas Medicinales

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BIREME/OPS/OMS - Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud